Show Notes

In this episode of the Let’s Talk About Kidneys podcast, Dallas Nephrology Associates Dietitian, Nadiya Lakhani, RDN, CSR, LD, FNKF,  explains why weight management is important to the general population and how it affects the kidneys.

How does weight affect the kidneys?

When the body carries more weight than it can handle, it increases the demand on the kidneys to hyper filtrate. In other words, it forces your kidneys to work harder, which will eventually cause them to be overworked. On the flip side, unintentional weight loss increases the risk of that person having increased days in hospital which in turn increases the risk of infection. In addition, weight loss often means losing muscle mass which is also very hard on the kidneys. 

How do doctors determine healthy weight? 

Oftentimes formulas are used to determine a healthy weight, but Nadiya explains that what determines a healthy weight must take a wider view than just a formula like body mass index (BMI).  Healthy weight should be determined by what is healthy for that specific person and should also take into consideration weight history, musculature, weight distribution, as well as gender, age and body frame. 

Treatment Interventions for Overweight and Underweight

Treatment for weight loss is pretty straightforward and includes eating well and moving your body.. Sometimes it is also necessary to also consider pharmaceutical interventions or surgical intervention.  Nadiya also discusses in detail the importance of understanding an individual’s routines and mindset to help identify small things that will help with weight loss and how to understand and identify hunger cues.

Treatment for being underweight starts first with determining what is causing the weight loss. If they are losing weight unintentionally or because of illness, there is more cause for concern. Weight loss can be caused by gastrointestinal issues (GI), getting full too easily, little to no appetite, etc. In general, treatment could include small changes to add additional calories like drizzling good oils on food, having an extra serving, eating more frequent but smaller meals throughout the day, or adding nutritional supplements.

Rely On the Experts

To wrap up this episode. Dietitian Nadiya Lakhani emphasizes the need to allow the experts to help you. Dietitians have the experience and education to guide each patient and provide an individualized plan for weight management that takes into account lifestyle, allergies, culture, financial situation, and so much more.


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